The desire of the people of the city of Riyadh wanted to express their feelings of love and loyalty to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. King Fahd God’s mercy – on his accession to power. Saw to express by setting up a memorial build. The desire of the people of the city of Riyadh wanted to express their feelings of love and loyalty to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. King Fahd God’s mercy – on his accession to power. Saw to express by setting up a memorial build.The desire of the people of the city of Riyadh wanted to express their feelings of love and loyalty to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. King Fahd God’s mercy – on his accession to power. Saw to express by setting up a memorial build.The desire of the people of the city of Riyadh wanted to express their feelings of love and loyalty to the

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