On remote and hybrid transitions: how the right approach can get your company ahead
Millions of companies were forced to make the fast pivot to remote work in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some were able to deftly navigate the transition, while others hit major roadblocks.
As restrictions ease, many are pivoting back to a hybrid setup. Other teams have returned to in-person work, with the option for remote work on an as-needed basis. Each company has had to negotiate these choices on their own, an experience which can be incredibly challenging.
For companies still entering the remote space or navigating a pivot to remote hybrid, it’s worth considering that the transition can be more than a defensive move. In fact, there are strategic reasons to embrace this arrangement. In the current era of unexpected events, the ability to access your data and work from anywhere isn’t simply good insurance (and the ethical thing to do), it can also deliver clear competitive advantages.
Here are some of the advantages you get when you take your team remote:
Most transitions to a remote or hybrid remote work setup involve some form of cloud data migration. However, before implementing a cloud migration or transitioning to a new tech stack, we recommend taking the time to evaluate your goals, values, and company culture. This also applies if you’re reassessing your remote work processes following a fast, hard transition at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
A purposeful approach to developing an ongoing system, as well as the right cloud platforms and applications for your team, will serve you well in the long-term. The right approach may even give you unexpected competitive advantages, taking your company to a whole new level.
If you’re reconsidering your approach to remote work, starting a new pivot, or just trying to get your head around the best options for your company, we can help. After helping high tech startups for well over a decade, we’re likely familiar with any challenge you’re facing. Contact us and we’ll be in touch to schedule a quick conversation.
LimeTech is a creative tech company with a focus on innovation and adaptive change. We use technical know-how, design skills, and deep experience in entrepreneurship to help companies advance their business goals. Our specialties include mobile app development, website design, technology planning, and remote work solutions.