Local Learning Opportunities
Not getting out enough these days? Tired of stewing in your own juices? There’s no excuse with so many great local workshops, events and classes coming up. Here are just a few that are on our radar screen.
1. We have always loved the vibe at SF co-working location NextSpace. One of their upcoming events, the Memorable Networking Event, sounds especially intriguing. Who doesn’t want to improve their ability recall information, after all?
NextSpace Memorable Networking Event
Learn how to maximize retention through memory training! NextSpace member and Change with Purpose coach Jim Dowling is throwing the event and welcoming guest speaker and US Memory Champion Chester Santos.
Tuesday, November 15th, 6:30-8:30pm
NextSpace SF
28 2nd St., Floor 3
SF, CA 94105
Cost: Free
Register Here
2. The SBA produces a variety of free/low-cost events for small business entrepreneurs. Below is just one of them.
Internet Marketing Strategies That Convert Into Sales
Tuesday, November 15th, 6:00-8:30
455 Market St., 6th Floor
SF, CA 94105
Cost: Free
Register Here
3. Worth mentioning are two upcoming workshops being presented by ArtsyGeek, an Oakland-based web design studio. We recently sat in on one of their classes on building an e-commerce site, and were impressed by the breadth of valuable information. These workshops seem most relevant for small business entrepreneurs trying to grasp the essentials of online social media tools. An added perk are the drums you can hear in the background from the Occupy Oakland gathering, across the street.
Social Media Wha? A Seminar for Small Business
An immersion class on how to use Twitter, Facebook, Yelp and Foursquare to reach and convert your target audience.
with Jennifer Heller, founder of Artsy Geek
Friday, November 18th, 12:30-2:30
505 14th Street, Room 100
Oakland, CA 94612
Cost: $20 | Use the coupon code “SUCCESS” for an extra $10 off the registration.
Register Here
Advanced Twitter for Business
A jam-packed two hour session on how to use Twitter for business.
with Aimee Johnson, Artsy Geek Social Media Strategist
Friday, November 18th, 3:00-5:00pm
505 14th Street, Room 100
Oakland, CA 94612
Cost: $20 | Use the coupon code “SUCCESS” for an extra $10 off the registration.
Register Here
4. Calling all women with startup ambitions! You have no more excuses not to pursue your dreams, with an event like this on the horizon.
Women 2.0 Startup Weekend
Bring an idea, join a team, and launch a project over the weekend. Hacking, building, and general out-of-the-box insanity will take place over the course of 52 hours, culminating in final presentations, judging and rewards.
November 18-19th
The Hatchery
Cost: $99 | Update: This event is mostly sold out, but there is still space for developers on the waitlist.
Register Here
5. SF Coworking space Sandbox Suites actually films their workshops and makes them available online as webcasts. Topics include Social Media SEO, the Story of Word Lens, Art of Negotiating, and Meet the Press.
Got a tech or business-related event you want to promote? Drop us a note and we’ll include it in our blog.
LimeTech is a creative tech company with a focus on innovation and adaptive change. We use technical know-how, design skills, and deep experience in entrepreneurship to help companies advance their business goals. Do you need IT planning, mobile app development, web design, or remote work solutions that will take your business to the next level? Get in touch today and find out what we can do for you.