iPad 2 to Take Over Mobile Teleconferencing
As mobile technology advances steadily, it becomes more clear by the year that we are just that much closer to being truly connected to each other. Emails and voice serve their purpose, but neither conveys as full of a message as video. Anyone who’s tried to explain a diagram, chart, or drawing over text will understand this pain. After all, a picture is really worth a thousand words.
With the added front and back camera on the new iPad 2 paired with a smart cover, Apple has made video conferencing both an enjoyable and uncluttered experience. Paired with a JamBox from Jawbone, you can pretty much have a video conference anywhere with a connection, without fear of not being able to hear your conversation–thanks to JamBox’s 80 decible output.
As iPad’s capability expands, it will be able to do a lot more than just replace paper in your office. It might actually be your only computing device in the future.
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