Configuring Mac Outlook 2011 for Gmail
We’re heard that a few of you struggle with accessing your company Gmail accounts. Issues can include slow viewing times, poor internet connectivity, and organizational challenges. For Mac Outlook 2011 users, there’s a fairly simple solution. After this process, you’ll be able to view all of your emails locally, keeping an offline copy of them on your Mac.
Here is how to configure your Mac Outlook 2011 account to download your Google company mail.
1- First, you need to enable your POP Download from your Gmail account. You begin by clicking on Settings.
2- Now, you need to click on the Forwarding Tab.
3- Next, enable POP download according to your needs.
4- Open your Outlook mail. Select Tools–> Accounts
5- Choose an account type. For this example, we’re talking about adding Google mail, so that will be a POP account.
6- Enter account description, ex. Mad Max…(this should be the same as your Gmail account).
7- Enter your full email address, e.x. [email protected]
8- Enter your user name: username@
9- Enter your email password.
10- Incoming server: (imap not supported for Mac Outlook yet).
11- Checkbox: “use ssl”
12- Outgoing Server:
13- Checkbox: “use ssl”
14- Outgoing port number: 465
15- Click on more options..
16- Authentication: “User Name and Password”
17- User name: [email protected]
18- Your email password
19- Click OK.
Congratulations, you’re finished! You can now view all of your emails through your Outlook account.
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